What is Migraine Headache and What are its causes and symptoms, And how to treat migraine and its preventions.
MIGRAINE (Headache)
Migraine is a common disease that plagues people's health. It occurs mostly in women. It is characterized by repeated pulsating headaches on one or both sides of the ankle. It is accompanied by visual and physical aura before migraine. Have vomiting symptoms. Most of the migraine headaches occur during puberty, the onset age is 25 to 34 years old, and a few occur in childhood or middle age.
Causes of migraine
Migraine where the blood vessels in the brain ache and ache tensile headache where the muscles around the head tens and ache
Migraine is caused by sudden expansion of blood vessels in the brain for some reason. By expanding the blood vessels in the brain, the surrounding trigeminal nerves are stimulated, and the inflammatory substances generated by the stimulation further dilate the blood vessels and develop Migraine.
When released from mental and physical stress, blood vessels may suddenly expand, and migraine may occur on weekends when there is no work. Other causes of migraine include oversleeping, lack of sleep, fluctuations in female hormones, hunger, fatigue, and intense stimulation of light and sound.
On the other hand, a tension-type headache occurs when the muscles next to the head and the muscles of the shoulders and neck become tense. This is a pain caused by the accumulation of waste products in the muscles and the stimulation of the surrounding nerves as a result of poor blood flow due to muscle tension.
The cause of tension-type headaches is often mental and physical stress, and is a common disease that occurs in people who have been in the same posture for a long time by computer operations. Also, there are “tense-type headaches” caused by mental illness such as depression rather than muscle tension, and some people have migraine.
What Symptoms of Migraine
Migraine with pain and nausea that pulsates Tension headache that hurts as the entire head is tightened
Immediately before "migraine" occurs, stiff shoulders may appear, and the eyes will hurt from the temple to match the heartbeat of the heart and heart. It is a paroxysmal headache that may not only hurt on one side of the head but also on both sides, which may interfere with daily life.
The characteristic of migraine is that the pain is amplified when you move your body and change the position of your head. In addition to headaches, there are accompanying symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and it is also sensitive to changes in light, sound, smell, pressure and temperature.
Headaches may last for several hours or last for about three days, and there are individual differences in frequency and time, but many people repeat headaches once a week periodically.
On the other hand, tension-type headache tends to cause pain as well as tired eyes and malaise by maintaining an unreasonable posture and using a computer for a long time. Pain from the back of the head to the entire head, with the neck around the neck.
Symptoms other than headaches such as nausea and vomiting do not appear, and the daily life is not as difficult as migraine headaches. .
Prevention of migraine
1) Check headache day and environment
Keep track of what environments cause migraines, such as crowds and lack of sleep, so you can identify the source environment and avoid it at the appropriate time.
2) Sleep regularly
Avoid body stress such as undersleeping, oversleeping, fatigue, or hunger as it can trigger migraine headaches. Be especially careful when sleeping on the weekends or sleeping twice, because hunger and oversleeping overlap to make migraines more severe.
5) Refrain from foods that induce headaches
Be careful not to eat too many foods such as chocolate, cheese, ham, yogurt, and red wine that are said to cause migraines.
■ Treatment of migraine
1) Cooling is ○, warming is ×
If you put a cold towel on the painful area, the blood vessels will contract and help to reduce the pain. On the other hand, bathing and massage expand the blood vessels and increase pain, which is counterproductive.
2) Rest in a quiet dark place
Moving your body during a headache increases pain, and even light and noise can increase pain. Try to lie in a quiet, dark place as much as possible.
3) Appropriate amount of caffeine
Caffeine contained in coffee, black tea, and Japanese tea has the effect of constricting blood vessels, reducing pain when taken early in pain. However, please be aware that daily overdose induces headaches.
■ Prevention of tension-type headache By Acupressure points
1) Do not take the same posture for a long time
Correct your posture and do not work for a long time in the same posture.
2) Increased blood circulation in shoulder and neck
When you notice, do the following simple stretches to relieve tension in your neck and shoulders.
● Raise both shoulders and drop
Raise both shoulders and drop them. Do about 10-20 times in a natural state without putting too much force.
● Tilt your neck left and right
With your left hand on your head, remove your right shoulder and slowly tilt your neck to the left. Similarly on the other side. Repeat 5-10 times on both sides.
● Sitting on a chair and bending forward
Sit lightly on your chair and stretch your legs forward. While relaxing by removing the strength of both shoulders, slowly tilt the neck forward. Go about 5-10 times.
3) Adjust pillow height
Too expensive pillows and soft pillows can strain your neck, unknowingly straining your muscles. You can prevent it by choosing a pillow that is not too high or too soft for you.
■ Measures for tension-type headache
1) Warm up and loosen the dust
Heat with a massage, steamed towel, half-body bath, etc. to remove muscle stiffness in the neck and shoulders and improve blood circulation. The stretch introduced earlier is also effective.
2) Change your mood
If you have a headache, stop stressing your mind and body and change your mind early, for example by leaving the area
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What is Migraine Headache and What are its causes and symptoms, And how to treat migraine and its preventions.
Reviewed by Ibrahim Amjad
September 23, 2019
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